
zondag 26 augustus 2012

more potholders

The weather isn't very nice today, so I stayed in and  had a go at a pattern I came accross in blogland to make a crochet mandala.  I turned the mandala into a potholder.

black goes well in my kitchen.

The pattern is wonderful : it's not just crochet for dummies, but it requires some thinking and it has some pretty 'weird-effect-stiches' incorporated.  And the result is therefore something to be proud of - it was challenging.

I used some leftover cotton, made 4 (because I want double potholders),  and I added a little loop so I could hang them on a hook.

A big thank you to Jeanet from 'Blij-dat-ik-brei' for inspiring me with all the great projects she finds in blogland, and also thanks to the original designer Barbara from Made-in-k-town for sharing the pattern !
these are Jeanet's work
the originals from Barbara with an excellent tutorial

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Wat een mooi pannelappen! Slecht woord voor zoiets leuks!

    groetjes Geriene

  2. Hallo,

    Je pannelappen zijn mooi zeg, lijken wel een beetje op de tasjes die ik maak !! leuk en kleurig
    Kom maar even binnen kijken bij ons !

