
vrijdag 1 juni 2012

felted oki - doki

Do you know the concept of karma ?  In buddhist or hinduist views, karma is an expression of consequence to your natural acts.  In other words : when you do something, it has consequences that come back to you.  You can interpret that as a divine intervention, or 'the universe talking to you'.
Oddly, I feel that this happens a lot to me.
For example : on a cold and windy sunday, there was an invitation to go and knit at a fair. I had another appointment that day, and thought about not going to that one. But then felt like I should at least spend an hour knitting there.  So I went there early, had a strong hot coffee and knitted and chatted for a short while.  And that's where I met Mieke.

Mieke showed the most gorgeous jewels, made by her in a very artistic way.  I admired her work, and she told me about her workshops.  I was very happy to enrole.

That first workshop was about silk, how to dye it, how to manipulate it and create some super things with it. Who was there at the same table ?  Sandra from Zsazsazu.  How great to meet eachother in live version - in stead of exchanging remarks on the blog !

I loved the style of the workshops, so I enrolled in another one : felting.
Mieke has made some cute porcelain bowls, and we added our felted strings and balls to make an 'OKI'.

Hello, nice to meet you.

I am a funny guy.

my name is Oki - doki.

Quite a colourful personality

I stand out in a crowd

I am now hooked on felting - here we go again ! - and will definately experiment with the methods I have learned from Mieke. And tell you all about it.

They say the individual is considered to be the sole doer and enjoyer of his/her karma and their fruits - wether these fruits are good or bad. 

To me karma is being so very lucky to keep meeting people along the way, learning from them, passing on knowledge and teaching others.  It makes me happy.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. enjoy the flow of karma ! And yep, your oki-doki is a very nice result of this flow :-)

  2. What a great story and I love that oki doki. What a handsome guy!!! Placed in that bowl he rules the world!! Well done, I am excited to see more felted items. Felt is really so much fun!! Have a lovely weekend!!
