
zondag 30 oktober 2011

halloween preparations

I have cut off all the fingers of my children !!!
  I do that every year. (the fingers grow back, I have very special children...maybe they are aliens ...?)
I serve them as a little tv-snack. It's not difficult.  do you want to try this too ?  You'll certainly need a sharp knife... 

and some more stuff like :

puff pastry (bladerdeeg), sausages, ketchup, almond flakes (amandelschilfers) and a knife.
cut a piece of pastry to fit half a sausage

roll the sausage in the pastry, let a piece stick out.

close the top, and make some little cuts to form the knuckels

add an almond flake to form the nail
don't they look real ?

put them on a baking tray

if you want you can cover them with egg for a brown colour

the blood is ketchup.

I've got some more halloween tricks up my sleeve.... 

5 opmerkingen:

  1. heel goed gevonden en zien er wel lekker uit ;-)

  2. gisteren in Oostende geweest en was heeeeeeeeeel druk met de foor en halloween...

  3. Zo geweldig! Ideetje dat ik zeker ga uitproberen voor de kinderen.

  4. LOL waar haalde het ? Wreed madammeke hé, had ik
    van jou helemaal niet verwacht ;-)
