
woensdag 14 september 2011

I'm back !

Well hello friends,
long time no see....   been very busy with lots of other things.  Haven't  knit a lot, so there isn't much to show.
  Every year when the 1st of september hits this house, it's stressful times.   This year I've had 2 different teaching schedules in 1 week.  So plenty of work to make all the photocopies - you want to hand out something to the pupils, don't you...

Anyways, I have also started a new sewing club, gathering, what can I call it ?  We choose the name 'Chic et pas cher', being a local expression that means it's nice and doesn't cost a lot...  Exactely what making you own clothes is...
this is my project for the first gathering :
this bag is called 'boleo' bag

do you recognize the Ikea fabric ?
I have made a seperate blog about the sewing club :chicetpascheroostende

Also, the knitting club has started again too.  Soo busy, When is the next holiday coming up ????

See you soon ! 

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