
dinsdag 20 september 2011

new fimo necklaces...

Creative people can't stop creating.  It's addictive.   It makes them happy.  That's why they always look for inspiration.

A fimo workshop by artist Danielle Dubois was the perfect excuse to make some more beads and necklaces...
the creative work space...

So this is the result, what we made....  I hope it inspires other creative spirits too !

Winnnie made a beautiful combination with blues & metal

Mine is burgundy red with black and creamy white
reds and pinks together

all little left-over bits make funky coloured beads !

So, when my husband makes silly remarks about having more necklaces than I can ever wear, I pretend to be deaf.   Men just don't understand   and  girls will always be girls.....

donderdag 15 september 2011

hooked on Zpaghetti .... or not !

Last month, my friend Amandine invited me to join her on a Zpaghetti workshop.  I hesitated, I'd seen some zpaghetti items before, and I don't really like them.  They're huge.  And rigid.    I prefer to work with soft merinos and mohairs. 

But curiosity got the overhand and I joined.  Amandine is good company, so what could happen ?

Disaster is a good word for that workshop.  Disaster for me, that is.  The other people made lovely stuff.  Mine was horrible.  I didn't like the colour.  My thread was way to dense and I couldn't choose a  pattern.  I started, hesitated,  took it all out, and started all over again.  Even worse. 

Do you know these days where you shouldn't be doing anything, because it's just not going to happen the way you want ?  This was one of those days.  I should've stayed in bed.

So I took the Zpaghetti home, unfinished, and it remained in its bag.  I pushed it under my sofa. 

And then, yesterday, I found it again.  In a better mood, I thought this wasn't going to beat me.  I took the big hook, and started to crochet in a frenzy.  Half an hour later, I had finished all the zpaghetti and it looked like this....

I used 2 long slings (is that the good word?)

If I hit someone with it, they're dead for sure. Sooo hard...

perhaps flowers will soften it a little
So, this bag is finished.  And my conclusion is that the only zpaghetti I like is served with a good bolognaise sauce...

woensdag 14 september 2011

I'm back !

Well hello friends,
long time no see....   been very busy with lots of other things.  Haven't  knit a lot, so there isn't much to show.
  Every year when the 1st of september hits this house, it's stressful times.   This year I've had 2 different teaching schedules in 1 week.  So plenty of work to make all the photocopies - you want to hand out something to the pupils, don't you...

Anyways, I have also started a new sewing club, gathering, what can I call it ?  We choose the name 'Chic et pas cher', being a local expression that means it's nice and doesn't cost a lot...  Exactely what making you own clothes is...
this is my project for the first gathering :
this bag is called 'boleo' bag

do you recognize the Ikea fabric ?
I have made a seperate blog about the sewing club :chicetpascheroostende

Also, the knitting club has started again too.  Soo busy, When is the next holiday coming up ????

See you soon ! 