
vrijdag 15 april 2011

a new wool shop in Oostende !

Yes, a new shop that sells wool.  And not just plain wool, but very good quality too.  

I have been there yesterday, and couldn't resist some linnen to make a summer scarf.  There are also pure cotton, lushy mohairs, and even Kid silk in many colours !   They have the collection of Drops design, and also the books.

The lady who owns the shop is a very well known knitter.  She used to own a Phildar shop, and she could read a pattern like it's nothing.  When I was a little girl, my mother would take me to her shop, and make me chose wool and knit me a sweater.  Later, I knitted them myself.  I can't count how many sweaters and tops my sister and I have made with the wool we bought there. 
Some time ago, I found an old phildar patternbook on a fleamarket. The fun we had leafing through that book !  My sister and me, together we had knitted nearly every pattern that was in that book, and we truly enjoyed strolling down that memory lane. 
Phildar sadly dissapeared from our village many years ago, to our great regret.

But !  Last week Mrs Phildar (that's not her name, it's rather what she is known as in my family) has opened up her new store.  It's called Marie-Fraise, and it is really worth your wile to stop and pay her a visit.
the address is : Christinastraat 50, 8400 Oostende
tel : +32 59 43 73 25

shop is closed on  Mondays
open on Tue - Fri 10 - 12 and 13.30 - 18 hrs
on Saturday : 10 - 18 hrs
on sunday : 14 - 18 hrs

by the way : she also sells woman's clothing, so don't panic and think it's the wrong address....  The wool is in the back of the shop. 

6 opmerkingen:

  1. Nog even vermelden:
    Als je langsloopt, denk je eerst dat het een klerenwinkel is. Maar er is wel wol!

  2. Ik las je bericht pas thuis wegens geen internet op 't logeeradres. Nu heb je me wel heeel erg nieuwsgierig gemaakt naar dat 'slunsenkot' :-)
    En dan te bedenken dat we een namiddagje in Oostende hebben doorgebracht. Een volgende keer wellicht. Groetjes, Tilda

  3. deze winkel bestaat helaas niet meer....
