
donderdag 31 maart 2011

workshop crochet jewels

I have been to a very good workshop.  I have learned how to crochet with tiny stiches, and make the most wonderful objects.  For those of you who know the website  'Ne vous installez pas' : Veerle Maes is the teacher, and what we learn is the basics of her designs.  If you don't know that website, you can visit it here.  It's just amazing what she can produce with a crochet hook and a few silk threads. 

She's a wonderful and very patient teacher, and we're a bunch of eager pupils, fiddling away with the most shiny and silky (and thin) threads. 
Here you can have a look at what we make :

 it took me 30 minutes and a lot of patience to make this

all very busy and concentrating

you need a steady hand and good eyes

and a cup of coffee
and a piece of wood to hold the bead firm (verrrry difficult !)

to finally achieve this result.  Not too bad - isn't it ?

4 opmerkingen:

  1. pas op voor verslavingsverschijnselen ;-)

  2. Hi,Rozemie:-)
    Fantastic crochet meeting!
    I would love to take part in it.I have seen the blog and a site by Veerle Maes-She is a Woman of really fantastic ideas!
    Greets & Spring Hugs-Halinka-

  3. Wonderful workshop! Hope we can see more of your work.

  4. PS. Moest je nog goede tips hebben ivm stof & wol (zoals je bericht over Fibrex) in en om Oostende mag je me dat zeker laten weten. Ik kom (uit Limburg) met de kids voor een weekje naar Westende.
