
dinsdag 4 januari 2011

fimo experiment

Well, during these calm days, I have spent a bit of time with my new hobby : fimo clay.  I just love the colours and the way you can blend all this together.  I have made another necklace in dark blue beads, with some cupper paint on it.  The result is very nice with a jeans outfit. 
Then i got tired of the necklace, and put the beads together over a little glass bowl, and baked that in the oven. The clay took on the shape of the bowl and now I have a little green fimo pot.  I put some marshmallows in. 
Still thinking of other applications for fimo now. 


the lace doily I made too, long time ago

this necklace was fun making   
and yes, the nose are finally made, with orange fimo

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Hi,Rozemie:-)
    The carrot nose made of Fimo has made me smile
    The necklace and the fimo-pot are unique and hobby You have:-)I think,I'll also try again some day.
    -Best Regards-Halina-

  2. Hé Rozemie het groene fimo potje is tof seg !
    De halsketting vind ik heel mooi.

    fijne avond , Susie

  3. Wat een leuke dingen zeg, knap gemaakt
