
zondag 18 augustus 2013

int. doll and teddy bear show in Brugge

some pictures of a lovely day in Brugge !

bears & dolls, great combination

the show was at the centre of Brugge : the Belfrey

the colourful bears of Andy Cunningham

lots of dresses, hats, accessories

and who was there too ?  Bart & Francis - how lucky was I ?

owww - those new silks and their colours !

a little bear-quilt, sooooo lovely

Don't you love this old sewing box ?

this little fellow, I want !

these were knitted by my friend Barbara

zondag 11 augustus 2013

een klein boekentasje maken - pattern design for a small satchel

Op vraag van velen heb ik een patroon ontworpen om een boekentasje te maken.  Het is een eenvoudig model, met een deel van sterke tassenvilt en een voering van leuk katoen.  ook het voorvakje is van dezelfde katoen, en de borstriempjes.

Je kan dit model maken met een goede naaimachine, gebruik een naald nr 90.

Er zit versteviging in de tas zodat hij mooi in model blijft.  Er is voldoende ruimte voor een boterhamdoos en een kaftje/schriftje.

Het patroon kost 5 euro voor leden van 'Chic et pas cher', en reken zeker 2 avonden om het te maken.
Voor wie geen lid is : patroon + uitleg kost 15 euro. Ik kan het enkel via de post opsturen.  Stuur me een mail op met je gegevens.   Ik kan ook een workshop komen geven, mail me.

Er zit copyright op het patroon, je kan het dus niet doorgeven of namaken zonder mijn toestemming.

I designed the pattern for this satchel  - if you want to make it and need more information, mail me at

there is a lunchbox inside, plenty of space !

tyvek - an unpredictable material

I have followed a 3day workshop, all about working with textiles.  Working with Tyvek, a synthetic lightweight and durable material was new to me.  It is waterresistant and durable, you can colour it with paint and when heated it makes funny patterns.  I made some pretty stuff, and I enjoyed myself very much !

Tyvek is a funny thing.  the result is unpredictable

I 'm thinking of rings....

zaterdag 3 augustus 2013

blocking a crochet scarf

In Belgium we have a chain of stores called 'Veritas'.  They started out as a shop where you would by buttons, zippers and panty hoses.  My mum would often go there, back in the old days when everything was much simpler.

The veritas management had it's finger on the pulse of modern life, and the shops regularly had 'updates', they added jewelry and knitwear to the assortiment, bags and scarfs, even underwear and bikinis.

The latest change is making the shops a real experience for crafters.  You find the nicest cottons and wools (even rowan in some shops !), they give lots of workshops - even for the little ones.  One of their flagship stores is in Brugge, a town near where I live. 

 Every time I go to Brugge, I can't resist going to the new veritas.  So, last time I picked up a free pattern for a crochet scarf.  I choose a nice pale cotton, and set of to make it. 

A triangular scarf, starting at the bottom point : in the beginning the rows go quickly, and the scarf takes it shape. but those last rows, OMG, they are endless. I took this project with me on the train, in the car, to my work....

Nevertheless, I finished it in just over 4 weeks.  As it has a lace-effect and a lace border, it needed blocking.
So this is what I did :
old foam toys from the kids, put up in the correct shape
I put a big towel over it
spray water over the scarf to make it wet, and started pinning

take care you pin down every point

it's really a lot of work

finished !
I put it up against the wall for a couple of days, untill it's really dry.  Remove pins and there you have the scarf, perfectly blocked.

You can find more information on Veritas, and the free pattern here and here.
the pattern is in dutch, but the charts are very clear.
Good luck with it !

vrijdag 2 augustus 2013

mutsen breien

I'm totally hooked on this book from Heike Roland.  It's about hats, and I love these small projects during summer.  I've now completed 4 of these models.   38 more to go.....

this is the book.....

supersoft lana grossa merino wool

nice, even from behind

not sure about the button though, might add a crochet flower instead

KatiaOxford, this has become more of a hat

nice stripe effect

love the colours of this araucania wool

30 °C outside, and i'm knitting this hat, ^^

maandag 29 juli 2013

patchwork mania

I love flea markets.  that's partly because I love old things, and partly because you don't spend a lot of money and have a nice afternoon.

When I see old dressmakers items, old odds and ends, pieces of lace or threads turned yellow by the years, I really can't resist.
The box I keep these things in is starting to pile over, so I really needed a project where I could use some of these.  and in a magazine I noticed a small patchwork with a lot of left overs and ribbons that would be just perfect for my stash.

The most fun was actually sorting out the fabrics and the ribbons, choosing the perfect position for the old buttons and nicnacs, arranging and rearranging.

and then finally putting it all together, embroiding a little, adding a piece of felt, and here it is, my finished object.

I choose 'Chic et pas Cher' because that is the name of my sewing club. It's an old expression meaning  something 'chic' but not expensive.  And that's exactely what it is.  Nice, but not expensive !