
donderdag 30 juni 2011

noro scarf - free pattern

When we were at stoffenidee for WWKIP day, I bought 2 skeins of Noro wool. And although it is summertime, I have knitted another scarf.  It was a pattern I have seen on many blogs, a wavey kind of pattern, with a few little openings in it so that it looked lacey.
I figured out how to knit this. 

4 nld repeat, creates this soft wavey effect
I love the noro colours, how they appear while you knit

a very easy pattern !

I used needles nr 8, to create a soft loosely knitted scarf.

I cast on 28 stiches  (My 28 stiches formed 20 cm, a good width for a scarf )
Knit a few rows   (I did 4)

then the pattern repeats itself in 4 rows.

row 1 :  knit
row 2 : knit 2 (creates a ribbed border)  purl to the last 2 stiches, knit 2 (creates ribbed border on other side)
row 3 : knit 2, K2Tog,  K2Tog,  4x (Yarn over, knit 1) , 4x  K2Tog, 4x (Yarn over, knit 1), K2Tog, K2Tog, knit 2.
row 4 : knit

You repeat these 4 rows as often as you like, until the scarf is the lenght you desire.  End with a couple of knitted rows to create a ribbed border.

Because of the knitted stiches on both sides, and the knitted borders at the beginning and the end of the scarf, it will not curl , but stay flat.  You probably won't even have to steam of block it. 

Another plus is that you don't have to purl a lot in this pattern.  I don't like to purl, I prefer to knit.  How funny is that ?

Because I wanted an extra accent in my scarf, I used a different wool for the rows 1 and 4.  They form a wavey rib, in a different colour.  But you can use the same wool of course, but you might need 3 skeins of wool then. You could even use a very different wool altogether, to create  a more accentuated wave.

It is a very quick and easy knit, I finished it in a couple of evenings.  

For the duch speaking people : this is the translation of the pattern :

Zet 28 steken op (ongeveer 20 cm) en brei enkele naalden rechts. 

Het stekenpatroon herhaalt zich over 4 naalden : 

nld 1 : brei rechts
ndl 2 : brei 2 steken rechts, 24 st averechts, brei de 2 laatste rechts. 
nld 3 : 2 st rechts, 2 x 2 steken samen breien, 4 x (1 omslag, 1 rechts), 4 x 2 steken samen breien, 4 x (1 omslag, 1 rechts) , 2 x 2 steken samen breien, 2 rechts. 
nld 4 : brei rechts

Brei tot de gewenste lengte, brei dan enkele naalden rechts en kant af. 

Veel plezier ermee !

vrijdag 24 juni 2011

breiclub gaat met vakantie

In de zomermaanden is de breiclub even met vakantie, om vanaf septembr opnieuw van start te gaan  Prettige vakantie aan iedereen !

donderdag 23 juni 2011

another bag... to give away !

Yes, I couldn't resist.  I made another bag, same design as the Cath Kidston one.  Made of real 70-ies fabric.  It used to be a curtain in a children's room. 
so many flowers to make me happy

Vintage flower power ! I love the green, it makes me happy.   Perhaps you think it's a bit over-the-top, but hey, it's summer isn't it ?  I always go a bit crazy when it's summer...
I added a piece of vintage lace

In the book C. Kidston recommends to wash the bag a few times and put it in the dryer, to give it a vintage look.  Well, this already has the vintage look....

I made it a little bit bigger than the original one
Do you like it ?  I still have plenty of fabric, I can make another one, just like it - especially for you ...

It's my first give-away, so please :

a) become a follower
b) leave a comment
 c) mention this on your own blog

Perhaps this bag will be yours....   You'll know on july 3rd !

woensdag 22 juni 2011

Cath Kidston bag

Since I have been on the sewing workshop, I have rediscovered the fun in sewing.  It is like a bug, leaves you alone for a while, and then it bites you again.  There you go again : installing all the machinery, choosing fabric and cutting it into a pattern.  And then the puzzle begins : what do you sew first ? 
How do you pimp it up ?   But when the object is finished you are so proud !

bought in Brugge in the new Veritas concept store

I used to make many dresses and skirts.  But now I prefer to keep it simple, and small.  So when I found this book by Cath Kidston, I was thrilled with all the great patterns.  It is a real treasure trove. I have made the bag that is pictured on the cover of the book.  So lovely, how can you resist ?

the fabric and the label were included in the book

I used my own vintage buttons

a perfect bag for my knitting...

dinsdag 21 juni 2011

I made it ! Gemaakt !

Yesterday evening I went to a workshop in Brugge, where we made a skirt.
It was a lovely evening with very funny women, enjoying an evening without the kids.
We all chose different fabrics, and the skirts were easy to make, and fitted perfect.
plenty of space in the new workshop studio

concentrating on measuring

This is looking good !

all the little owls are watching me....

I chose a Japanses design by Kokka, and the print is all little owls.  I don't know what statement I am making here.  An owl is the symbol of both wisdom and stupidity in my culture.  My pupils will not be offended I hope... 

Frivolous flowers for funny fashion
measuring, choosing, cutting, everything went pico bello

I know how to make a skirt, I learned that a long time ago, in evening classes, during the 80-ies.  (yes, I'm that old... )
Back then, the way they made things was very comprehensive, 'as a dressmaker would do it'.  The correct and meticulous way.  Over the years, I have discovered many other ways to do stuff.  Easier, simpler and faster, with the same result.   And much more satisfying too !

But I had never seen this way to insert a zipper.  It's the Pritt-way....  And you know what ?  It works !
Glue keeps the zipper in place, before you stich

A last fit, and we could finish the skirt.

A simple A-line skirt flatters nearly every woman
I spent a lovely evening, and came home with a very special skirt, that fits me perfectly.  We all enjoyed ourselves, and were proud with the finished object.  Thanks Miek for the well organised workshop !

If you are intrested in the workshops she organises, have a look at her website gemaakt !  she also has a webshop where you can buy lovely fabrics and patterns.

maandag 20 juni 2011

Chutney recipe - recept

I love chutney.  I could eat it nearly every day.  The sweet and sour taste of the chutney goes with all sorts of roasted meats,  chicken, mashed potatoes and even on bread and cheese.   You can't have a BBQ without it !
So I need a giant stock. 

Homemade chutney

with rhubarb, gooseberries, apricot & raisins

this is my homemade recipe :

Take 1 kg of fruit.  I usually take 1/3 rhubarb (diced), 1/3 gooseberries and 1/3 leftover fruit from jammaking. 
Put it in a large pot and add : 
850 gr dark brown sugar
1/2 liter plain vinegar
250 gr raisins
100 gr dried apricot, chopped slightly
1 red chilipepper, with or without seeds, depending on how hot you like it. 
Add some salt & pepper and any herbs you like (cinnamon, ras-el-hannut, curry...)

Let it boil, and then simmer for 15 à 20 minutes, until all the fruit is soft.  Stir a few times. 
Beware : when the vinegar is boiling, your whole kitchen will smell like it.  Open a window... !

some people like to add a bit of alcohol, like brown rum. 
If you want to experiment, you can also add : 
lemon juice, garlic, onion, ginger, mustard seeds...

Let the chutney cool down in the pot.  I make it in the evening, and let it cool during the night.  The next morning, you can fill the jars.  Put them aside for a couple of weeks so the tastes can grow deeper. 
Once you open a jar, keep it in the fridge.  It will last for months and the taste will even get better.

the fruit is soft, but you still see a few lumps
very stylish in little glasses, served with a selection of cheese

En in het Nederlands :

Neem 1 kg fruit.  (ik neem altijd 1/2 rabarber en 1/2 stekelbessen) Dit jaar nam ik 1/3 rabarber, 1/3 stekelbessen en 1/3 overschot van mijn confituurfruit)

De rabarber in stukjes van 1 cm snijden !

Doe het fruit in een grote pot.
Voeg 850 gr bruine kandijsuiker toe.  Dat geeft een mooie donkere kleur aan de chutney.  Wil je hem wat lichter van kleur, doe dan de helft witte suiker.
Voeg 1/2 l keukenazijn toe.
250 gr rozijnen
100 gr grof gehakte gedroogde abrikozen
1 rode chilipeper in kleine stukjes.  Met zaadjes maakt nog pikanter. 
Wat zout en cayennepeper, en eventueel een theelepel currypoeder Ik had toevallig nog wat Marokkaanse Ras-el-hanut kruiden, die passen ook goed. Kaneel mag ook.

Verder kun je naar keuze toevoegen :
5 teentjes look in stukjes gehakt (optioneel)
1 ui in heel fijne reepjes (optioneel)
Handvol cassisbesjes voor een donkere kleur (optioneel) 
Stukje (1 cm) geraspte gember (optioneel)
1 theelepel mosterdzaadjes (optioneel)
Sap van 1 citroen (optioneel)

Alles samen opzetten, aan de kook brengen en 15 à 20-tal minuutjes laten sudderen, tot het fruit moes is.
Regelmatig roeren met een houten lepel.
Laten afkoelen in de pot.  (ik maak de chutney 's avonds, en na een nacht afkoelen doe ik hem 's morgens pas in potten) In grote glazen bokalen doen.  (ik gebruik weckpotten)

Laat de chutney een 6-tal weken rusten in de bokalen voor je ze gebruikt. 
Eens een bokaal open is, moet je ze in de koelkast bewaren, waar ze nog maanden goed blijft.
In gesloten bokalen bewaart deze chutney minstens een jaar.  Ze wordt zelfs nog beter van smaak !
Ik zet de pot chutney elke dag op tafel.  Lekker bij de BBQ, bij kipfilet, bij varkensvlees, stamppot, en ook op een boterham met jonge kaas is het superlekker.

Als de chutney kookt, verdampt de azijn en ruikt heel je huis naar azijn. 
Zet eventjes een raam open !

Sommige mensen doen er wat alcohol bij (bruine rum) ....

Veel succes ermee,
Smakelijke groetjes, Rozemie 

with cheese - lekker met kaas

with pork - of varkensvlees

with cold meat - of met koud vlees

confituur gemaakt ! - Whole lot of jams !

Ik heb met al het geplukte fruit een goede voorraad confituur gemaakt !
I have made lots of jams with all the fruits we picked. 

The tastes are :
raspberry and rhubarb - framboos en rabarber
gooseberry and jostaberry - aalbes en jostabes
rhubarb and cassis - rabarber en cassis
goosberry jelly  - gelei van aalbessen
And the pots I made from strawberries the other day.

zaterdag 18 juni 2011

Knitting in public at Ajour

This afternoon, we were invited to knit at Ajour, one of Brugge's finest woolshops.  There were 25 knitters, all happy to show off their latest knitwork. 

Jan was knitting chemo caps for a hospital

My sister came all the way from her town

What's new in the books ? More projects.... Help !

Cathérine was knitting a cardigan for her daughter

aha ! some sunshine !

knitting little flowers for a brooch in Kid silk mohair

Knitting kept us warm
Unfortunately, the weather was a bit of a killjoy :  bluesky sunshine and every 15 minutes a heavy shower.  Only the brave sat outside, and I took plenty of pictures. 
So did a journalist and Yep ! you will find us in the regional newspaper. 

Gerda, the owner of Ajour, wanted to make a statement about WWKIP day, and knitted a jacket for the traffic poles on her terrace.  Crazy and fun !

these traffic poles are cosy and warm !

pick your own

Today, we had a wonderful day at PurFruit, the biological fruitfarm in Oeselgem. 
We went there to pick lots and lots of fruit, grown with respect for nature, without any pesticides.  Everything is cultivated in a biological way.  The fruit tastes just marvelous, and cannot be compared to what you buy at the supermarket.

The farm just opened at the beginning of June, and they had red and yellow raspberries, red and white current, cassis, jostaberries and green and red goosberries.  Plenty of choice !

After the long drive, we started with a cup of coffee...

the raspberries were ready to be picked

You get a bucket and you pick as much as you like.

Yellow raspberries in abundance

At the entrance is marked what fruit is ripe and ready to be picked.

You can have your lunch in the garden.

They also serve blueberry cakes.  Yummy !
Winnie laughing her head off with me...
I was picking cassis, when all of a sudden I noticed a BEAST in my bucket !!!  I yelled and did a silly dance, hoping it would fly away.  But it didn't, it had no wings....   but lots and lots of feet....   I danced and yelled a bit more, and it dissappeared.  I'm a city person.  I have no garden.  I am scared of little things with many feet.  Unfortunately some English tourists that were peacefully picking their fruit, looked at me with their eyebrows very high on their foreheads.  They must have thought I went crazy -  or had a heartattack.  5 minutes later, it happened again.  Winnie nearly fell over with laughter.  I went to pick gooseberries instead.

Lilianne loaded with fruit

What shall we pick next ?

Having a rest ... with a piece of cake and tea...  Heaven !

All our buckets waiting to be weighed and payed for...
And then we went home, and in the evening the house smelled of jam ...

If you want to visit the Purfruit farm, 
or want some more information, have a look at their website here